Custom Badge
Learn how to custom badges
Custom Badge Page
Access Dashboard -> Add Custom Badge
List Badges
Displays a gallery of over 1 hundred pre-made badges. Click badge to choose a custom badge.
Badge Preview
Display the selected badge on the preview image. Preview image will change when customized.
Badge Editor
Provide badge editing tools according to your wishes.
Text Editor:
Text image: You can add 1 more line of text to the image by clicking the ADD TEXT 2 button
Font Family: Set font style
Font Size: Set font size
Font Weight: Set the boldness of the text
Line Height: Set font height
Italic: Set font skew
Align: Set text alignment (left, right, center)
Color: Set font color
Rotation: Set the rotation for the text
Horizontal Position: Set the horizontal position of the letter
Vertical Position: Set the vertical position of the text
Background Editor:
Color: Set background color for photos
Rotation: Set image rotation
After customizing, press the save button to return to the page
Custom Badge Popup
Create Badge
Display popup form to create Custom Badge( show up on pages: Product Badges, Trust Badges, Automations)
Badge Editor Popup
Text Editor: Setting as Badge Editor Background Editor: Setting as Badge Editor
Last updated