Product Badge

Product badges, also known as product labels or product stickers, are an effective way to highlight products in a store.

Once you install ShineTrust - Badges & Labels app for product badges, launch the app from your Shopify Admin Dashboard.

1. Choose Industry:

Click into the right corner of dashboard, Return on Dashboard choose Industry

2. Search Badge:

Search badge on your interest or name

3. List Badges:

  • Display the library of 1000+ pre-made badges. Click on one badge or more to choose badges.

  • If you want to delete, just click again to delete it. - Create Badge: Display popup form to create Custom Badge. - Upload Badge: When hover into Create Badge, the dashboard will show up Upload Badge next to it. Click to upload badges.

4. Badge Preview:

Display all chosen badges on Preview Mode according to these index below:

  • Badge's Preview Image

  • Badge position

  • Badge size

  • Badge Motion Effect

(*)To change the product for chosen badges, you can click to choose others on '6. List Products'

5. Editor: Provide Adjustment Badges

5.1 - Badge Queues: Display thumbnails of the selected badges. Click badge to select, click 'close' to delete

5.2 - Position: Change badge's location in 4 primary locations: top left, top right, bottom left and bottom right.

Alternatively, you can customize the location to your interest by clicking the 'expand' button at the bottom. 5.3 - Size: Change the size of the badge. Supports 3 main sizes: S (small), M (medium), L (Large). Also, you can change the custom size by dragging the ranger slider.

5.4 - Animation: Set motion effects for badge. 5.5 - Availability: Set badge display schedule. Rules:

  • Do not enter start and end dates: Badge is displayed as soon as it is initialized

  • Enter only start date: Badge shows from start date

  • Enter start and end dates: Badge displays in the interval between 2 days

* Invalid cases:

  • Do not enter the correct date and time format

  • Enter a start date greater than the end date

  • Enter the end date but not the start date

5.6 - Quick Tools: Display 2 icons Animation and Availability to quickly move to their positions

6. Product Filters: Search Field and Product Preview

6.1 - Search Field: Search product according names 6.2 - Product Review: Click on the Eye Icon to see Product on Review with Badges.

Last updated